Print quality troubleshooting guide

Improve the quality of your 3D-printed parts. A guide on how to fix the most common problems.

Print quality troubleshooting guide

Solutions for the most common problems in 3D printing

You might be just starting out with 3D printing or you are already an experienced user, you will either face the following issues or you have already met them. This guide contains the most common 3D printing problems and was made to help you to improve the quality of your 3D prints. It serves not only as a tool to fix these issues but also to understand the reason of the problems and to reveal a better version of your 3D printer by diving a bit into the more sophisticated settings you can do in a slicing software. Last but not least it also provides a glimpse to the REALvision Pro 3D printing software. The page is continuously being updated with further problems and solutions. 

No filament extruded

Stringing (oozing)

Rough surfaces

Shift in layers

Layer separation

Print does not start

Lifting edges (warping)

Melted points

Printing in mid air

Print does not stick

Inconsistent extrusion

Beginning printing in mid-air

A software program to fit your needs

If you want to get quality prints without doing 3D modeling, consider adding REALvision Pro to your 3D printer kit. We promise you easy-to-use 3D slicing software in the high-end printing industry. Suppose you are:

  • A picky hobbyist with a cheap desktop 3D printer.
  • Running a 3D printing service with flawless 3D prints.
  • 3D printing metal parts for aerospace.
  • 3D printing customizable prosthetics, implants, or casts in ABS plastic (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene).
  • Rapid prototyping 3D models from design software.
  • Need help with calibration or material profiles.
  • Finding the best 3D printer for your application.
  • Exploring manufacturing processes and technology to obtain zero-waste.

In that case, we have a software plan fitting your needs.